

Shaping Tomorrow’s Solutions: Innovation through Development Studies

Planning services include everything from the first project idea to basic design and detailed engineering, commissioning after construction and handover to the client at the end

Project Definition

Aim of this project phase is to provide a solid basis for the following design and engineering phases

  • Client project inputs and requirements are analyzed and visualized, e.g. the manufacturing process, production programs and other utilization requirements
  • The general framework for project realization is assessed: Available space in existing buildings, capacity of existing utility systems, etc.
  • All client project requirements and given conditions for realization are collected and summarized in a respective document

Conceptual Design and Feasibility

In this project phase, different concepts for realization are evaluated and their feasibility is assessed

  • Based on the client’s project requirements, different realization concepts will be defined
  • Defined concepts are compared and evaluated regarding their advantages and disadvantages, including the costs
  • Each concept is checked against the given conditions for project realization to assess feasibility
  • The realization concepts are reviewed in terms of occupancy and utilization to verify that desired production programs and outputs can be achieved
  • At the end of this project phase, the most suitable concept for realization is selected

Basic Design

This project phase provides the basis for construction planning

  • Layouts are developed, e.g. for the room arrangement; product, material and personnel flows; room pressure; clean room grades
  • Supply areas for air handling units are defined
  • Design schematics for HAVC and utility systems are elaborated
  • Utility and energy demands are estimated
  • Required building automation and monitoring systems are defined
  • Etc.
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Detailed Engineering

At the end of this project phase, the project is ready for realization and construction

  • Detailed room layouts for construction are prepared
  • Piping, cable and duct routing layouts are elaborated and coordinated
  • Detailed schematics and P&I diagrams are prepared for e.g. HVAC systems or utility systems
  • Tender documents are issued and quotations are requested from potential construction companies
  • Quotations are compared and negotiated together with the client and potential suppliers
  • Etc.

Construction Management and Commissioning

During the realization phase, we are able to provide the following services

  • Coordination and supervision of the construction activities
  • Control of project timelines and costs
  • Quality inspection of the construction work
  • Coordination and supervision of commissioning activities
  • Guidance and preparation for test leveraging
    => Integration of commissioning tests into the qualification activities required for GMP-relevant installations

Design and Engineering Reviews

In terms of a quality assurance mandate, we offer reviews for 3rd party planning services

  • Review of design and engineering documents regarding technical correctness, optimization potential and sustainability
  • Consistency of the detailed engineering with earlier planning phases and the project definition
  • Verification of the compliance with relevant GMP guidelines and national / international standards
  • For GMP projects, the offered review services can be integrated into the design qualification (DQ)