

Driving Impact through Evidence: Your Partner in Development Studies

Energy efficiency, cost optimization, efficient use of resources, environmental and climate protection are the core topics for REDS’s sustainability services

Initial Analysis

A thorough analysis of the actual situation and the definition of reduction goals form the beginning of the project

  • Actual energy consumption values, energy costs and maintenance costs are established
  • If required, preceding monitoring studies are planned and executed to determine the energy consumption and the operating costs
  • The design of existing technical installations is reviewed for e.g. air handling units, heating systems, cooling systems, etc.
  • Reduction goals are defined together with the client

Sustainability projects can be initiated for construction projects or for existing buildings / installations. For existing installations, the analysis of the actual situation will be performed based on actual operating data. For construction projects, the sustainability services shall be understood as a review of the current planning, dimensioning and engineering.



Based on the analyzed actual situation, different strategies will be evaluated to achieve the reduction goals, including e.g.

  • Use of alternative, renewable energy carriers and sources
  • Heat and energy recovery
  • Optimization of technical installations as e.g. air handling units or heating / cooling systems, with regard to e.g. the pressure loss or the system control
  • Direct savings, e.g. with insulation or a saving mode for air handling units to lower the air change rate during non-operating hours
  • The preferred strategy to be implemented will be defined together with the client
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Investment costs and their amortization will be evaluated together with the client

  • Investment costs will be estimated based on the defined reduction strategy
  • The duration for amortization will be estimated: Time until the total cost savings for energy and maintenance amount to the investment costs
  • The yearly cost savings for energy and maintenance after amortization will be calculated
  • Options for self-financing or outside financing will be checked
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We gladly undertake the planning and construction management for required optimization work and new technical installations

More information on this topic can be found on the “planning” page

Success Evaluation

After realization, it will be verified if the defined reduction goals were achieved

  • For complex projects, it is advisable to install an energy monitoring system to observe actual energy consumption data and energy flows; this has to be considered during the planning phase
  • New actual values for the energy consumption and the operating costs will be established after realization
  • The new values will be compared to the old ones from the initial analysis of the situation before realization
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